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To All Google Plus Friends,
I published the second e-book on the star festival day from Kindle-Amazon.
This book is the second of "TANKA HARAKO" series in which Rika Inami 稲美 里佳's original
Japanese Tanka works are translated into English. It is written in both Japanese and English.
<Harako> was named after the place name of one of my walking courses.
Please access my book.
昨日の七夕の日に、私の短歌シリーズ「TANKA HARAKO 原狐Ⅱ」を出版致しました。
こちらがAmazon Japan での販売はこちらになります。
And I was honored to have my Tanka in CQ Magazine August.
This is a very good international platform for writers.
Thanks to all of you, my G+friends, this achievement was possible.
Please accept my heartfelt thanks and deepest appreciation for the contributions you all made.
©Rika Inami 2016