August 6 is Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Memorial Day and
August 9 is Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Memorial Day.
August 9 is Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Memorial Day.
72 years have passes since atomic bombs were dropped on
Hiroshima(Aug.6) and Nagasaki (Aug.9).
May the souls of the atomic victims rest in peace.
I hope for world peace without the atomic bomb.
I chose this tanka for the day.
たましひの花と見ゆるか白むくげ凛と咲きける 空澄みし朝
is it
a flower of the spirit?
an inspiring
white rose of sharon blooms
in the fresh morning air
All right reserved ©Rika Inami 稲美里佳2016
Thank you for the reply lines.
千羽鶴 Fukushima遠き 原爆忌
©Hiromi Nishiyama
All in moments
Like flower blooms
Sky darken
As souls cry
Past, present ,future
Like the flower bloom
Over and over
The story told
©THE Breeze
passes by...
a valley abundant
with roses of sharon
uplift my spirit
the morning breeze
August 2017 ©Hifsa Ashraf
a flower of the spirit?
an inspiring
white rose of sharon blooms
in the fresh morning air
All right reserved ©Rika Inami 稲美里佳2016
Thank you for the reply lines.
千羽鶴 Fukushima遠き 原爆忌
©Hiromi Nishiyama
All in moments
Like flower blooms
Sky darken
As souls cry
Past, present ,future
Like the flower bloom
Over and over
The story told
©THE Breeze
a valley abundant
with roses of sharon
uplift my spirit
the morning breeze
August 2017 ©Hifsa Ashraf
peace dove flies
seventy two years
no nest sites
seventy two years
no nest sites
©Charlie Smith