Poet of the Fifth Dimension, Rika Inami's Blog. Her inner space is expressed in tanka , photographs and daily life. She loves her home land, Akita, the Land of Poetry and mainly she compose tanka on nature. 五次元歌人 稲美里佳の内面世界が短歌や写真、そして日常生活を通して描かれています。詩の国 秋田に在住し主として自然詠を詠っています。
Tanka ... Discipline Age / 徒弟時代
you can't
be One yet --
do you keep
drifting around the web-world
with lots of accounts?
©2018Rika Inami
※As for this piece, I mean that a person has many accounts on the web
and he / she puts his/ her different character or personality to each account.
I would like to ask which character or personality is his/ her truth.
like my friend Henry Lion Oldie's reply haiku.
You have so many accounts
In the web-world.
But where are you-the-real?
In the web-world.
But where are you-the-real?
©Henry Lion Oldie
Eons of divisions
gentle exfoliation
and suddenly like an explosion
I become every part of you
©Mirium Strauss
You have so many accounts
In the web-world.
But where are you-the-real?
In the web-world.
But where are you-the-real?
©Henry Lion Oldie
Oh what a tangled Web we weave
Once we practice to deceive
Once we practice to deceive
©THE Breeze
in your web-world
spinning accounts
who is the real spider?
spinning accounts
who is the real spider?
My Facebook →https://www.facebook.com/rika.inami.35
My Twitter →https://twitter.com/RikaInami8
Tanka ... Discipline Age / 徒弟時代
you can't
be One yet --
do you keep
drifting around the web-world
with lots of accounts?
©2018Rika Inami
※As for this piece, I mean that a person has many accounts on the web
and he / she puts his/ her different character or personality to each account.
I would like to ask which character or personality is his/ her truth.
like my friend Henry Lion Oldie's reply haiku.
You have so many accounts
In the web-world.
But where are you-the-real?
In the web-world.
But where are you-the-real?
©Henry Lion Oldie
Eons of divisions
gentle exfoliation
and suddenly like an explosion
I become every part of you
©Mirium Strauss
You have so many accounts
In the web-world.
But where are you-the-real?
In the web-world.
But where are you-the-real?
©Henry Lion Oldie
Oh what a tangled Web we weave
Once we practice to deceive
Once we practice to deceive
©THE Breeze
in your web-world
spinning accounts
who is the real spider?
spinning accounts
who is the real spider?
My Facebook →https://www.facebook.com/rika.inami.35
My Twitter →https://twitter.com/RikaInami8
Tanka...Hydrangeas 紫陽花
色褪せて蘇芳色( すおう ) にうつる紫陽花の朽葉に添ふて秋冴えのます
fading away--
hydrangeas turning
dark red
accompanying the withering leaves
autumn beauty glows more
autumn beauty glows more
©2018Rika Inami
©豊田 隆志
colors are dancing
tiny essences
delicious songs
its getting cold
acceptance of the gift
©Miriam Strauss
Sorry to be repative
Every Day
Enjoy it smile
Every Day
Enjoy it smile
©jim my
Smile Smile
Smile Smile
Smile Smile
And after the smile
Laugh Laugh
Be Happy loud
Smile Smile
Smile Smile
And after the smile
Laugh Laugh
Be Happy loud
©jim my
一雨に 増すか寒さに 紫陽花の 残り葉朽ちて 秋は深まる
加藤 洋
加藤 洋
©Ryuuji Suwa
getting red
Autumn wind
waiting rain fall…
Autumn wind
waiting rain fall…
Ram Kumar Panday
fading fast
memory of that recent youth
still so warm
memory of that recent youth
still so warm
©Ashoka Weerakkody
cill wind
piles up fallen leaves
sentimental rain
fade their colors
transient emotion assimilates into fertile soil
piles up fallen leaves
sentimental rain
fade their colors
transient emotion assimilates into fertile soil
©Noriyuki Sawada
hanging against the darkness
last leaves of autumn
hesitant, overwhelmed
roaming vividly from the east,
the wind blows
hesitant, overwhelmed
roaming vividly from the east,
the wind blows
©Louise Schuring
i hope you wont mind a little light hearted grumbling from me, because its kind of Sad for me,this time of year. For all of my hopes that did not come to perdition, Play upon my mind as Incomplete, jby my own admission
Still not recognized I've found
as vital to this season of dormant ground and fruitless trees
I seem to anticipate life sailing in on a summer breeze.
Followed by laughter of children at play
instead of alternate sneezes from people all day
I suppose its a hazard I have to accept
as long as the promise of Spring is kept,
I'll just pull up a chair and sit next to the fire.
Grab a cup of hot cocoa and maybe a nap, Im sure I'll feel better after I've slept.
Still not recognized I've found
as vital to this season of dormant ground and fruitless trees
I seem to anticipate life sailing in on a summer breeze.
Followed by laughter of children at play
instead of alternate sneezes from people all day
I suppose its a hazard I have to accept
as long as the promise of Spring is kept,
I'll just pull up a chair and sit next to the fire.
Grab a cup of hot cocoa and maybe a nap, Im sure I'll feel better after I've slept.
My Facebook →https://www.facebook.com/rika.inami.35
My Twitter →https://twitter.com/RikaInami8
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