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Tanka to Winter Festival / 冬まつりに


snow is falling, falling
winter festival--
non-scent cherry trees
blooming toward the celestial

©Rika Inami 稲美 里佳

From Tanka by Rika 7


silver earring ... memories of her laughter

©Samuel Lott


©Ryuuji Suwa


咲き初めし 枝の白さよ眩しさよ
春を待つ身の 儚さと見る

春遠き 地に在りて詠む 和歌心
隔てし宵の 空を仰ぎて

©大谷 和充


a lavish exchange
 'tween the snow and the cherry, 
lovers reaching at each other!

©Ashoka weerakkody

Photos ...Inukko Matsuri いぬっこ祭り2019

<Inukko Matsuri 2019> Yuzawa City, Akita, Japan.
About Inukko Matsuri / いぬっこ祭りについて
Inukko is Akita dialect of Dog. Matsuri means Festival.
According to like a legend: about 400 years ago, robbers attacked people in Yuzawa and dogs repelled them. Since then, people in Yuzawa have enshrined dogs as winter festival.
The snow shrine is for them.
More info; Please visit Yuzawa City HP

Photos ...Inukko Matsuri いぬっこ祭り2019

<Inukko Matsuri 2019> Yuzawa City, Akita, Japan.
About Inukko Matsuri / いぬっこ祭りについて
Inukko is Akita dialect of Dog. Matsuri means Festival.
According to like a legend: about 400 years ago, robbers attacked people in Yuzawa and dogs repelled them. Since then, people in Yuzawa have enshrined dogs as winter festival.
The snow shrine is for them.
More info; Please visit Yuzawa City HP


Tanka...Wednesday Water 水曜水分 a201902


kids of the mountain?
lovely stones muffled 
with snow
here and there innocently
... in the river

The river is in Okuoyasu, Yuzawa City, Akita, Japan.

©2019Rika Inami稲美 里佳


Tanka...All is empty / 一切空


a bit of light
permeating through me
the happiest feeling 
that all is empty
filling me

©2019Rika Inami稲美 里佳

My New Blog
Title name is the same.


Tanka ... Happy Birthday to Mendelssohn

<Happy Birthday to Mendelssohn / メンデルスゾーンの誕生日に>
This tanka is my reply to a Facebook friend.


being blessed
with a mission of genius
you composed the chords of the universe
and played them


Tanka... Platform プラットフォーム


good and bad memories
being contained
in my platform ...
its renovation may keep
off evil

©2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳