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One Morning

<One Morning, ある朝>

One Autumn morning, I was walking as usual.
Suddenly, I heard , 'Baahn! '.
I was astonished at the sound.

 'What is it?  An air gun?  Is there a sports event at the school?'
 I thought, because I had never heard the sound of gun or pistol except for in the sports event.
I looked up to the sky and around me.

Again, ‘Baahn! Baahn! , as if sparks were shooting to me.

Then some men shouted, ' Over there! Over there!'

‘Aha,’ I guessed correctly, ' Are they hunters? To shoot bears, rabbits or raccoon-dogs ? There are no notice board, <Beware of Bears!> around here. Maybe, they must be rabbits or raccoon-dogs.’
 I had heard that they were there and they, wild beasts wasted the field. If bears appear, the notice boards for attention are set up.

After the event was over, some cars passed by me.  Some men in hunting gear through the cars saw me.....
Probably, they were asked to wipe those animals out.  If it’s possible….
Now yet, I feel sorry that I couldn’t ask them, ‘Did you get it? ‘

と、突然、バーン!という甲高い銃の音が聞こえました。空気銃? 運動会のスタート音?

バーン、バーン! そして、

「あっち行ったぞう! あっちだ、あっちだ!」

「あぁぁ、なるほど、ハンター? クマ? ウサギ? タヌキ?…..この近くには <クマ出没、注意!>の立て札がないから、多分、ウサギかタヌキにちがいない」


Copyright©Rika Inami

One Morning

<One Morning, ある朝>

One Autumn morning, I was walking as usual.
Suddenly, I heard , 'Baahn! '.
I was astonished at the sound.

 'What is it?  An air gun?  Is there a sports event at the school?'
 I thought, because I had never heard the sound of gun or pistol except for in the sports event.
I looked up to the sky and around me.

Again, ‘Baahn! Baahn! , as if sparks were shooting to me.

Then some men shouted, ' Over there! Over there!'

‘Aha,’ I guessed correctly, ' Are they hunters? To shoot bears, rabbits or raccoon-dogs ? There are no notice board, <Beware of Bears!> around here. Maybe, they must be rabbits or raccoon-dogs.’
 I had heard that they were there and they, wild beasts wasted the field. If bears appear, the notice boards for attention are set up.

After the event was over, some cars passed by me.  Some men in hunting gear through the cars saw me.....
Probably, they were asked to wipe those animals out.  If it’s possible….
Now yet, I feel sorry that I couldn’t ask them, ‘Did you get it? ‘

と、突然、バーン!という甲高い銃の音が聞こえました。空気銃? 運動会のスタート音?

バーン、バーン! そして、

「あっち行ったぞう! あっちだ、あっちだ!」

「あぁぁ、なるほど、ハンター? クマ? ウサギ? タヌキ?…..この近くには <クマ出没、注意!>の立て札がないから、多分、ウサギかタヌキにちがいない」


Copyright©Rika Inami