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ラベル 2022 December の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル 2022 December の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


初雪の日の事 / On the Day of the First Snow

逝く人や仏の道に旅立つ日 初雪ふりて道しろうなる


my departed dear…

on the day she left 

for Buddhahood

first snow falling

her path turns pure white

( C)2022Rika Inami稲美里佳



Seasonal Tanka 20221226




"How have

you been since then?"

so I think…

because what I can't cut off

remains in my abyss


( C) 2017Rika Inami 稲美里佳

From Tanka by Rika Inami (7)

<Thank you for your reply>

homeless cat
shivers next to a chimney
a winter star —
ice - blue iris
of your eyes

starting point
of no return
Canadian geese
on the frozen lake
wind whistle

hollow tree
leafless and silent
a single snowflake
spins in the air —
your laughter

ice cubes
in the crystal glass
twirl and swirl
honey cognac
his sparkling eyes

ruby crescent
on my cup
blooming peonies
on his cheek
my hand

on his lap
a homeless cat
finds joy and comfort
my roofless heart
gets repaired with gold

@Laughing waters 2022

<Rika Inami/ 稲美里佳 Social Media>

<amazon Author page>

<Akita International Haiku Network>

My Tanka and me on 2526-27,47,67747880-81

TANKA HARAKO: 短歌 原狐 Kindle Edition

TANKA HARAKO Ⅱ: 短歌 原狐 Ⅱ Kindle Edition

TANKA HARAKO Ⅲ: 短歌 原狐 Ⅲ Kindle Edition