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宮沢賢治の里行3 /To Kenji Miyazawa's Hometown -Nov. 2020-3



around when

I approach Kenji's Village


pouring down through the clouds

my smile flashing

(C)2020Rika Inami稲美里佳

Tanka by Rika Inami 39



宮沢賢治の里行2 /To Kenji Miyazawa's Hometown -Nov. 2020-2



 the drive

to Miyazawa Kenji's hometown…

't's possible for me

to reach without getting lost

thanks to guide-sign at each point 

(C)2020Rika Inami稲美里佳

Tanka by Rika Inami 39  

More Info.    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenji_Miyazawa

The photo is 
on the way to Kenji's hometown, Hanamaki, Iwate.

見どころに停むる場しらず錦秋湖 曇天の上(へ)の光かそけし  

Lake Kinshuko

named after fall beauty

not knowing where to stop

at the highlight, I drove through …

faint-light above the cloudy sky

(C)2020Rika Inami稲美里佳


                 an island

between the head and fate lines

bridges black hole

in life’s labyrinth shadows

move always ahead of me

  (C)Ram Krishna Singh







Translated by Rika Inami

Poet of the Fifth Dimension五次元歌人

Inami Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rika.inami.35

My Facebook Page ←click. 

Rika Inami Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rikainami/?hl=ja

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RikaInami8

Blog: https://poet-rikainami.blogspot.com/ 

 German Tanka Magazine:  Einunddreißig 31

Tanka by Rika Inami 39

Tanka by Rika Inami 38

Tanka by Rika Inami 37

Tanka by Rika Inami 36

Tanka by Rika Inami 35

Tanka by Rika Inami 34

Tanka by Rika Inami33        Tanka by Rika Inami 32

       Tanka by Rika Inami 31 Tanka by Rika Inami 30

        Tanka by Rika Inami 29     Tanka by Rika Inami 28

      Tanka by Rika Inami 27   Tanka by Rika Inami 26

       Tanka by Rika Inami 25     Tanka by Rika Inami 24

       Tanka by Rika Inami 23     Tanka by Rika Inami 22

Electric Press

My Tanka and me on 2526-27,47,67747880-81

TANKA HARAKO COLLECTION 短歌 原狐集 1 Paperback ペーパーバック

  in English

English https://cafetalk.com/tutor/profile/?id=251922&lang=en



宮沢賢治の里行1 /To Kenji Miyazawa's Hometown -Nov. 2020-1



Minerva's wisdom

must be clearer

Dark Owl

integrating the colours

in deep autumn

(C)2020Rika Inami稲美里佳

Tanka by Rika Inami 39 



<宮沢賢治の里行/ Drive to Miyazawa Kenji home town>  12 November 2020






The other day in the early of November, I drove to Miyazawa Kenji Fairy Tale Village and Ihatove Garden in his hometown Hanamaki City, Iwate.  Miyazawa Kenji (1896-1933) was a genius, and one of the leading Japanese poets and novelist/ fairy tale writer. His works contain his profound belief and thoughts, mainly Buddhism and Christianity.  Every time I read his poetry and fairy taled, I am impressed by depth and tenderness from his clear spirit. In this entry, I dedicate 10 pieces of tanka, which I composed on Fairy Tale Village and Ihatov Gared, to Miyazawa Kenji.

I linked Wikipedia for more information about him.


More Info.    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenji_Miyazawa


Poet of the Fifth Dimension五次元歌人

Inami Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rika.inami.35

My Facebook Page ←click. 

Rika Inami Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rikainami/?hl=ja

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RikaInami8

Blog: https://poet-rikainami.blogspot.com/ 

 German Tanka Magazine:  Einunddreißig 31

Tanka by Rika Inami 39

Tanka by Rika Inami 38

Tanka by Rika Inami 37

Tanka by Rika Inami 36

Tanka by Rika Inami 35

Tanka by Rika Inami 34

Tanka by Rika Inami33        Tanka by Rika Inami 32

       Tanka by Rika Inami 31 Tanka by Rika Inami 30

        Tanka by Rika Inami 29     Tanka by Rika Inami 28

      Tanka by Rika Inami 27   Tanka by Rika Inami 26

       Tanka by Rika Inami 25     Tanka by Rika Inami 24

       Tanka by Rika Inami 23     Tanka by Rika Inami 22

Electric Press

My Tanka and me on 2526-27,47,67747880-81

TANKA HARAKO COLLECTION 短歌 原狐集 1 Paperback ペーパーバック

  in English

English https://cafetalk.com/tutor/profile/?id=251922&lang=en



About Literary Style Tanka / 文語短歌について first in English



for pitch black nights
have swans flown over?
this morning
I hear their calling over
the harvested rice fields
©2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳

 From Tanka by Rika Inami 27
Swans came flying here this winter too. It is said that they are from Siberia.

--------------------First English Version of the previous article-------------------

I write Japanese tanka in the Japanese classical literary style.  Strictly speaking, I make it based on the literary style.  Because it was so from my first tanka, I have thought from the beginning that tanka should be written in the literary style.  However, when I read tanka written by others, they, even some famous sensational poets, write it in the colloquial style or on the colloquial basis.  So, these days, many tanka lovers make it in the colloquial style.  I am used to reading it now, but I was surprised at it before.

Time goes by, and many things happen and change, so it is inevitable that new words will be born and the linguistic form will change, but in Japan, not only the spoken language but also the literary language remains. 

In this case, I would like to call the sentence written using the archaic Japanese language grammar the literary style, rather than calling the classical language the literary style. This is because new words live in the times and must be incorporated when expressing oneself.  It seems that these literary styles are no longer written in ordinary sentences, but they remain clearly in tanka and haiku.  Nowadays, some poets write tanka in the literary style while using the new kana orthography.   When I write my own tanka in the literary style, I use the old kana orthography, but as for other poets' translated ones by me, I currently use the new kana orthography while being a literary language. This point is a concern for me.

What are the benefits of writing tanka in the literary style?  In other words, it is a merit of making tanka using the old language grammar. I think it means that in principle, the short poem as tanka, which consists of 31 letters/ moras, can have more meaning. This is especially true for auxiliary verbs. The meaning changes depending on the short conjugation of the auxiliary verb. So, the depth of a piece of tanka comes out.  Also, the sound seems to improve.

What is the disadvantage? I think that it is not the ordinary language used in our daily life, and even if we Japanese learned the literary language since the compulsory education course, we have forgotten a lot. Therefore, grammatical mistakes are likely to occur. As for me, that's why it takes a lot of time to brush up tanka.

        However, despite some problems, I will keep composing tanka in the literary style with the dictionary by my side.  Not only does tanka become more profound and the phonology improves, but I am also anxious about what happens if colloquial tanka becomes the royal road of tanka and the literary style disappears.

For me, it's equal to the disappearance of a language from the world.   One of my overseas friends on the WEB, who has Japanese ability of N2, writes the Japanese literary tanka.  It seems that he is so devoted to the Japanese language, culture and tanka that he has been led to the literary tanka.  It is genuinely dependable that there are such people, including me, and it seems that there is still a future for the literary tanka in Japan.  Smiling.

日本語版 The Previous page is also first Japanese version.









Poet of the Fifth Dimension五次元歌人

Inami Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rika.inami.35

My Facebook Page ←click. 

Rika Inami Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rikainami/?hl=ja

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RikaInami8

Blog: https://poet-rikainami.blogspot.com/ 

 German Tanka Magazine:  Einunddreißig 31

Tanka by Rika Inami 38

Tanka by Rika Inami 37

Tanka by Rika Inami 36

Tanka by Rika Inami 35

Tanka by Rika Inami 34

Tanka by Rika Inami33        Tanka by Rika Inami 32

       Tanka by Rika Inami 31 Tanka by Rika Inami 30

        Tanka by Rika Inami 29     Tanka by Rika Inami 28

      Tanka by Rika Inami 27   Tanka by Rika Inami 26

       Tanka by Rika Inami 25     Tanka by Rika Inami 24

       Tanka by Rika Inami 23     Tanka by Rika Inami 22

Electric Press

My Tanka and me on 2526-27,47,67747880-81

TANKA HARAKO COLLECTION 短歌 原狐集 1 Paperback ペーパーバック

  in English
