focused resolve
crossing a mountain pass
on the Ushu Road
majestic snow-capped peaks
bright in winter's cold light
( C)2025Rika Inami 稲美里佳
Poet of the Fifth Dimension, Rika Inami's Blog. Her inner space is expressed in tanka , photographs and daily life. She loves her home land, Akita, the Land of Poetry and mainly she compose tanka on nature. 五次元歌人 稲美里佳の内面世界が短歌や写真、そして日常生活を通して描かれています。詩の国 秋田に在住し主として自然詠を詠っています。
bead-coloured fruits
glow through wintery silence
a chord of peace
©2024 Rika
In Spanish
Translated by Jorge Alberto Giallorenzi
Poesia per la Pace (Poets for Peace)
rain through the day…
I gaze at its fate ahead—
perhaps, tomorrow
it will turn into snow
and the cold will deepen
pioggia durante il giorno...
contemplo il suo destino prossimo—
forse domani
si trasformerà in neve
e il freddo sarà più intenso
llueve todo el día…
contemplo su próximo destino—
tal vez mañana
se convierta en nieve
y el frío será más intenso
pluja durant tot el dia...
contemplo el seu destí endavant—
potser demà
es convertirà en neu
i el fred serà més intens
chuva durante o dia…
olho para o seu destino à frente -
talvez amanhã
se transforme em neve
e o frio se aprofunde
© 2024 Rika Inami稲美里佳
Italian, Spanish, Catalan and Portuguese translation by Joan Josep Barcelo
English translation by Rika Inami
C)2024Rika Inami 稲美里佳
しろじろと聖なるヴェール身にまとひ奧羽の山脈(やまなみ) 和の音韻(しらべ)なす
white on white…
wrapped in the holy veil
Ōu mountains resonate
chords for peace
C)2024Rika Inami 稲美里佳