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Tanka ...the beginning of vernal equinox week 彼岸入り a201904

彼岸入り 野ざらしの髑髏(しゃれこうべ)とふ君さするごと木魚拭きたり

the beginning
of vernal equinox week --
as if caressing you
a weather-beaten skull
I clean a wooden-fish

Wooden-Fish is said to be made in imitation of a fish.
However, I think it looks like a skull.
More info about Wooden-Fish → https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wooden_fish

©2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳

Akita International Haiku/ Tanka 秋田インターナショナル俳句短歌 March 2019


even though
I can't see colorful flowers
today's wind
over the snow fields
brings a tune of spring

秋田インターナショナル俳句、川柳、短歌ネットワークがアップデートされ、私の作品が掲載されました。皆様、アクセス宜しくお願い申し上げます。ページにアクセスして頂いたあと、タイトルの「稲美里佳の短歌:Tanka by Rika Inami 20」をクリックして頂くとページが開かれます。お手数かけますが宜しくお願い申し上げます。https://akitahaiku.com/
My 10 Tankas are published at Akita International Haiku, Senryu and Tanka Network https://akitahaiku.com/ . Please check out the website and click the title <稲美里佳の短歌:Tanka by Rika Inami 20>, and then you will read all of the page. Or click


All rights reserved ©Rika Inami 稲美 里佳


Tanka...Congrats on passing the exam! 合格おめでとう!

<<受験に合格された皆さまへお祝いの一首 / Tanka to all of you who passed the entrance exam>>

おめでとう! 合格Telによぎりしは溢れむばかりの君のほほえみ

on passing the entrance exam
flashing through
my mind with your phone is
your smiles full of happiness


Now, it is a season of the announcement of the entrance examination pass in Japan.
This tanka is one of my favourites.
This spring, I posted it with attaching  Forsythia, 
whose flower language is to be fulfilled wishes.

All rights reserved © Rika Inami 稲美里佳


Three tankas for the first anniversary of my friend’s death / 亡き友の1周忌に3首 20190314a


one year has already passed
since you left this world --
against the remaining snow
cymbidium blooming today too

This photo is from my friend.


walking the rocky mountain
chasing birds flying in the sky …
how far
is it still to the mountain-top
your goal?



I hope
the birds you hear today
are swans …
I can also hear them
accompanying you


It is the season that swans which came flying from Siberia in late autumn return.  These days, I often hear their whooping call.

All rights reserved © 2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳


Tanka...Mt. Chokai in March 鳥海山 20190310a


  Yesterday, March 9th. 2019, was fine very much I could see the beautiful Mt. Chokai for the first time in a while during winter. However, it was while driving.  I was so fascinated with it that I backed to the place to enable me to take pictures of Mt. Chokai after lunch at home


a clear blue sky
in March ...
Mt. Chokai in pure white
from the top to the foot

©2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳


Tanka...Spring Fragrance 春の香 a201903


at daybreak
spring fragrance creeping
into air faintly
the morning comes
without windows freezing

©2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳


Tanka...Frontier Spirit

経験値  不吉予測すも拒みえず此より実験観測はじむ

even though
empirical value predicted ill omen
I couldn't refuse...
from here, I set off experiment
and observation

©2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳