Poet of the Fifth Dimension, Rika Inami's Blog. Her inner space is expressed in tanka , photographs and daily life. She loves her home land, Akita, the Land of Poetry and mainly she compose tanka on nature. 五次元歌人 稲美里佳の内面世界が短歌や写真、そして日常生活を通して描かれています。詩の国 秋田に在住し主として自然詠を詠っています。
My Favorite Tanka...Shojin Zen 精進膳
春彼岸 精進膳をそなへむか先祖に一つ無縁に一つ
offering shoujin-zens
during vernal equinox week --
one is
to my ancestors' spirits
the other is to the deserted's
"The neglected" is the spirit who has no living relatives.
©Rika Inami 稲美里佳
It is Spring Equinox Week March 18 to 24, which is one of the most important events for Japanese Buddhists. I have to offer some special foods including Shojin Cooking to my dead ancestors in this term. In brief, Shojin Cooking is Zen Cooking. The photo is Shojin Cooking for the beginning of the equinox week on 18th. March .
Tanka ...the beginning of vernal equinox week 彼岸入り a201904
彼岸入り 野ざらしの髑髏(しゃれこうべ)とふ君さするごと木魚拭きたり
the beginning
of vernal equinox week --
as if caressing you
a weather-beaten skull
I clean a wooden-fish
Wooden-Fish is said to be made in imitation of a fish.
However, I think it looks like a skull.
More info about Wooden-Fish → https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wooden_fish
©2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳
Akita International Haiku/ Tanka 秋田インターナショナル俳句短歌 March 2019
even though
I can't see
colorful flowers
today's wind
over the snow
brings a tune
of spring
秋田インターナショナル俳句、川柳、短歌ネットワークがアップデートされ、私の作品が掲載されました。皆様、アクセス宜しくお願い申し上げます。ページにアクセスして頂いたあと、タイトルの「稲美里佳の短歌:Tanka by Rika Inami 20」をクリックして頂くとページが開かれます。お手数かけますが宜しくお願い申し上げます。https://akitahaiku.com/
My 10 Tankas are published at Akita International Haiku, Senryu and Tanka Network https://akitahaiku.com/ . Please check out the website and click the title <稲美里佳の短歌:Tanka by Rika Inami 20>, and then you will read all of the page. Or click
All rights reserved ©Rika Inami 稲美 里佳
Tanka...Congrats on passing the exam! 合格おめでとう!
おめでとう! 合格Telによぎりしは溢れむばかりの君のほほえみ
on passing the entrance exam
flashing through
my mind with your phone is
your smiles full of happiness
Now, it is a season of the announcement of the entrance examination pass in Japan.
This tanka is one of my favourites.
This spring, I posted it with attaching Forsythia,
whose flower language is to be fulfilled wishes.
Now, it is a season of the announcement of the entrance examination pass in Japan.
This tanka is one of my favourites.
This spring, I posted it with attaching Forsythia,
whose flower language is to be fulfilled wishes.
All rights reserved © Rika Inami 稲美里佳
Three tankas for the first anniversary of my friend’s death / 亡き友の1周忌に3首 20190314a
one year
has already passed
since you
left this world --
the remaining snow
cymbidium blooming
today too
This photo is from my friend. |
walking the rocky mountain
chasing birds flying in the sky …
how far
is it still to the mountain-top
your goal?
I hope
the birds you hear today
are swans …
I can also hear them
accompanying you
※ 晩秋にシベリアから飛来した白鳥が帰還する季節になりました。この頃、
It is the season that swans which came flying from Siberia in late autumn return. These days, I often hear their whooping call.
All rights reserved © 2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳
Tanka...Mt. Chokai in March 鳥海山 20190310a
Yesterday, March 9th. 2019, was fine very much. I could see the beautiful Mt. Chokai for the first time in a while during winter. However, it was while driving. I was so fascinated with it that I backed to the place to enable me to take pictures of Mt. Chokai after lunch at home
a clear blue sky
in March ...
Mt. Chokai in pure white
from the top to the foot
©2019Rika Inami 稲美 里佳
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