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Tanka...Evening Moon 夕月a

間近きの 刈り入れのとき 夕月の 早(はや)西に冴え 祭り言祝ぐ

the harvest
will soon come ...
evening moon
shining earlier in the west sky
and celebratingfestival

※写真は昨夕(2018.9.15.18:19)に撮りました。I took the photo yesterday at 18:19.2018.9.15..
©2018Rika Inami稲美 里佳


I love fall
it's briefness
the inevitably of winter
Like our lives
brief and filled with beauty
Let us cherish it!

©John Mitchell


harvest moon
recall all friendships
no matter how far

©Imelda Senn


夕月や 心急かせる 秋の風


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