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Tanka ..A .Dream in Darkness ぬばたまの夢 a201901


darkness ...
thinking of you in a dream
I find
my beloved far away from me
left his reply on my tanka

©Rika Inami 稲美 里佳


in a dream of a dream
darkness and light together
all that we see or seem
its safely secluded in a far way land

©Miriam Strauss


darkness and light
both in need of the other
yin & yang

bare branches
covered with snow
dreams of spring

last time
thinking about you and me
'a dream within a dream'

©Hannes Froehlich


The deep dream
Away in a different direction finally

©Robert Patterson


The moonlight
upon the snow
Brightens our night

©jim my

les bottes prêtes
à affronter le grand froid
la neige habille l’hiver
chaque seconde disparaît
un mètre carré de prairie

©Imelda Senn


lightless world
l can't see your face
but I feel
warmth of your hand
anxiety has gone out

Photograph & Tanka ©Noriyuku Sawada

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