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Tanka ... Happy New Year Jan.1. 2019

幾千年の智の光継ぎ瑠璃色のデジタルの華 宙にはなたる

for thousands of years
light of sophia being passed down
for generations...
a cerulean digital flower
flashing into the cosmos

※デジタルアートは友だちの ルダキ.ウッダラカ様から頂きました。
This digital art is from Mr. Рудаки УддалакаRudaki Uddalaka.
"Sophia " means "Wisdom" in Greek.

Tanka by ©2019 Rika Inami 稲美 里佳

filling the sky with colours
all debts settled

©Hannes Froehlich

the magic
the intensity the shape
the colours
the beauty
all of it just the illusion of motion

©Miriam Strauss


©Ryuuji Suwa

cosmic flower
her synapses emitting

※"sophium" is the invisible element of wisdom.

©Hannes Froehlich

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