Halloween is saido to be the New Year festival of the ancient Celtic peoples, whose New Year is 1 November, and also serves as a harvest festival, as the harvest for the year is just about over. It is also said that the spirits of the dead return to earth on that day. It is similar to the Japanese Obon, when the spirits of the dead also return to this world from the other world. I have thought think that the cultures of the East and West are somehow connected in this way for decades years. Halloween is celebrated from 31 October, the Eve of Festival.
Today is 31 October. I composed this tanka in memory of a deceased person. I did it a little ago and was going to publish it on Halloween. This is a piece of tanka that also serves as a cultural exchange of ideas.
a bat, or you...
transformed from a man, then a cat
after death
still wandering the six realms
of endless rebirth
(C )2024Rika Inami 稲美里佳
The cat in the tanka was a neighbour's pet and
was friendly to me, but I have not seen him recently. As for the bat, I have
seen it recently. Bat seems to have increased in recent years due to climate
<Thank you for your reply>
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