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Poetcrit 掲載短歌


  このたび、インドの学術文芸誌「Poetcrit V34」に私の短歌を10首掲載して頂きました。編集はDC Chambial 様がなさいました。とても名誉なことと存じております。掲載歌は英訳版です。こちらのブログで、元の日本語短歌も掲載致します。

  My 10 pieces of tanka are featured on "Poetcrit V.34". Editor is DC ChambialI feel honoured. Poetcrit is an academic journal with space for poetry and review of books in India. My featured tanka pieces are written only in English, but for Japanese readers, I posted them here in both Japanese and English.

1. 盆過ぎて篠突く雨のアラームに黒雲ながめ行方を追へり


after Bon festival

an alarm of pelting rain from 

my smartphone…

I watch up the leaden sky 

and chase how clouds moving


2. 瓢箪の艶やかに生り垂れしなるわれ凡夫にて善事(よごと)をたづね



a calabash has grown up

hanging down

as an ordinary mortal

I ask for something good

3. 最良の時は近きか夏越えて朝露にしむ稲穂かがよふ


the best time comes…

summer is over

rice ears shining gold

with morning dew


4. 湧き起こる裡なるものに抗へず欲望故か神の標(しるべ)か


I can’t

prevent something inner

surging up…

is it my desire

or the Divine’s direction?

5. 君とわれ須臾にかたらひ睦ける野にまぎれゐし藤袴の如


you and I

talk together for a while

growing closer

like wild thoroughworts

lost in a reverie


6. しくしくに北時雨ふる夜半めざめ色さむる朝おもひ侘びをり


at midnight 

northern drizzling ...

thinking of

the morning fading colours 

I feel desolated


7. み空の雪は舞ひ降りて瞬く間カラスの黒羽しろく覆ひぬ



falling from the sky


the black-feather of a crow

in a moment

8. いざなふは遠つ火影かクリスマスカクタス忘れえぬの真はと


a flash from afar...

Christmas Cactus makes 

me think of 

unforgettable memories

… what is true


9. 月光の幾重の雲を透き通し満ちゆく時の流れに遊()さぶ



shining through clouds 

in layers

plays with the flow

to being full


10. 柿花火その枝撓みて雪に入る実りの熟し帰する時を得


persimmon fireworks …

the branches sagging 

into snow

the time is ripe for 

returning to all

About Tanka ... All rights reserved (C) Rika Inami稲美 里佳

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 Inami Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rika.inami.35

TANKA HARAKO: 短歌 原狐 Kindle Edition

TANKA HARAKO Ⅱ: 短歌 原狐 Ⅱ Kindle Edition

TANKA HARAKO Ⅲ: 短歌 原狐 Ⅲ Kindle Edition


<現在他のブログで連載中の小説/ Rika Inami's Novel writing on the other blog>

〇短歌小説 五次元歌人: 
Now I am writing on my other blog.




Tanka on Hoarfrost/ 霧氷の歌 20210209


霧氷の好きな友へ/ For my friend who loves rime.

silver crystal petals
twinkle on twigs
...graceful hoarfrost trees
standing in the snowfield

Published on  Mirai V. May 2018
©2018Rika Inami稲美里佳



In English 

The La Niña phenomenon is not going to go away so quickly.  After the first day of spring, another cold wave has come here.  These days, it has been snowing and blowing for a couple of days.  It has been snowy so hard that I can't even see the view around my house due to being blocked by the snow-wall.  I tried to take pictures through the windows, but the outside windows of the double-paned windows were frozen, so I couldn't even open them.  So, I sometimes took photos through the glass.  I thought about going out to take pictures, but I was reluctant to go out in the snowstorm.  Also, I'm losing my energy from all the snow removal and work.  This winter's snow has been really severe.

I took this photo three years ago.  It was a beautiful sunny morning with graceful hoarfrost.  Looking back to the tanka poetry I wrote past days and the one I'm writing now, I'm not sure if I'm progressing or regressing.  But it's good to look back at my tanka.


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Rika Inami Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rika.inami.35

TANKA HARAKO: 短歌 原狐 Kindle Edition

TANKA HARAKO Ⅱ: 短歌 原狐 Ⅱ Kindle Edition

TANKA HARAKO Ⅲ: 短歌 原狐 Ⅲ Kindle Edition


<現在他のブログで連載中の小説/ Rika Inami's Novel writing on the other blog>

〇短歌小説 五次元歌人: 
Now I am writing on my other blog.



美しき冬の朝に/ On the beautiful wintry morning 2021Feb4


even reverie

disappears on the snow fields


in a frozen land

 spring is still far away

(C)2021Rika Inami稲美 里佳



In English

It's a beautiful morning...That's what I thought after I finished my morning ploughing. The snow of the cold wave that has attacked since yesterday, the first day of spring, has not yet stopped falling, but I could see a winter that settled down in a moment. The snow was gently falling from the deep clouds in the distance, without making a weird whooshing sound like yesterday's intense blizzard, without hitting me on the cheek with a sideways nudge, and without blocking my view with the endless snowfall.  The houses whose roofs were muffled with snow were lined up as if protected by a silent snow spirit. There was a nostalgic smell in the air.  It was the smell of the cold, damp air in the clouds, receiving the sun's rays and its heat.  Now, the scent of my birth month.

Spring is still a long way off, I thought.

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To my Interview on Poetry Matters

 Rika Inami Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rika.inami.35

TANKA HARAKO: 短歌 原狐 Kindle Edition

TANKA HARAKO Ⅱ: 短歌 原狐 Ⅱ Kindle Edition

TANKA HARAKO Ⅲ: 短歌 原狐 Ⅲ Kindle Edition


<現在他のブログで連載中の小説/ Rika Inami's Novel writing on the other blog>

〇短歌小説 五次元歌人: 
Now I am writing on my other blog.


豪雪後遺症 / aftereffects of heavy snowfall 20210201



twigs of a plum tree 

resign themselves 

to being unable 

to refuse any things

today, sparkling in rime

(C)Rika Inami 稲美 里佳

From Tanka by Rika Inami 19






In English

Today is the first day of February, and I'm still feeling tired from the heavy snowfall during the year-end and New Year holidays. I'm not really motivated to do anything. I can't even go for my favorite walk. Well, this is partly because I am still in deep pain from my two spectacular falls while walking on the snow.

Both times, I couldn't move immediately after I fell and had to lie on the ground for about three minutes (?). Both times, after falling, I lay on my back looking up at the sky for about three minutes(?).

It was lucky that I wore a long winter coat and a woolen hat. But I bruised my buttock. I think it was a blessing that it was not my back. Since these two falls, I have put a hat and a coat hood to protect my head when I take out the garbage in the morning.

It was a beautiful sunny day this morning, and the trees were covered with hoarfrost. On days like this,  even though I slip and fall on snow, I feel happy to be living in the north, where I can still see this beautiful winter Arabi... fierce, but  tranquil winter .

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Thank you for your reply.


(C)Ryuuji Suwa

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To my Interview on Poetry Matters

 Rika Inami Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rika.inami.35

TANKA HARAKO: 短歌 原狐 Kindle Edition

TANKA HARAKO Ⅱ: 短歌 原狐 Ⅱ Kindle Edition

TANKA HARAKO Ⅲ: 短歌 原狐 Ⅲ Kindle Edition


 <現在他のブログで連載中の小説/ Rika Inami's Novel writing on the other blog>

〇短歌小説 五次元歌人: 
Now I am writing on my other blog.