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ボツメキの水 1 / tanka to Botsumeki Spring 1 from AIH20210821

炎天のこころぐき日に思ひ出づるボツメキの水 鈴鳴るごとし


in the blazing sun--

my mind is out of breath

I think of

Botsumeki Spring

like a bell ringing

🄫2021Rika Inami 稲美 里佳



with a blessing --

is it a miraculous spring

given by God?

in the deep heart of Mt. Yashio

piled-snow melts into water

🄫2021Rika Inami 稲美 里佳

From Tanka by Rika Inami 48

炎天の こころぐき日に 思ひ出づ 鈴鳴りのごと ボツメキの水  Perzselő égen, Szívem a napnak szánom, Gondolataim, Mint harangszó, Csendül a Boshimeki forrásban.

Ttanslated by Ban Mihaly

八塩山 神の涙を 流れ込む 遠くから風 囁き心。 Yashio hegyén Istenek könnyének, Forrása, Távoli szél, Szívnek suttogja.

🄫Ban Mihaly

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To my Interview on Poetry Matters

 Rika Inami Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rika.inami.35

My Tanka and me on 2526-27,47,67747880-81

TANKA HARAKO: 短歌 原狐 Kindle Edition

TANKA HARAKO Ⅱ: 短歌 原狐 Ⅱ Kindle Edition

TANKA HARAKO Ⅲ: 短歌 原狐 Ⅲ Kindle Edition


<現在他のブログで連載中の小説/ Rika Inami's Novel writing on the other blog>

〇短歌小説 五次元歌人: 



白蝶/ A white butterfly from AIH 20210719




A butterfly

with bright white wings

flies before me

Is it your spirit

because of a tragic death?

(C)2021Rika Inami 稲美 里佳

at last
morning has come
in a crystal dew
of the summer greenery leaf
your final portrait is smiling

(C)2021Rika Inami 稲美 里佳


I see
a shadow of your
sad peace
in the white butterfly flying
around deutzias

(C)2021Rika Inami 稲美 里佳

 white butterfly!
let it hover over the bushes
blooming sadness

(C)Ashoka Weerakkody


©︎岡本 信一

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朝戸/ A door in the morning from AIH 20210719




my torn and tattered heart

I gently open

a door in the morning

hoping for a nice breeze

(C)2021Rika Inami 稲美 里佳

open field
between two trees
daisy winks at me
dusty road ...
tall grasses
bathing in the dust
my feet find a comfort
between daisies
under the tree
wind turning pages
in my book
I found a dry daisy
you gave me with kiss

(C) Laughing waters


(C)Ryuuji Suwa

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針槐/ Black Locust Flowers from AIH 20210719




shining on the earth


black locust flowers cast

peace over the valley



June starts

with bunches of flowers

swaying in the wind

and the sweet fragrance of

black locust flowers

(C)2021Rika Inami 稲美 里佳

針槐 君に届くかこの香り我らが痛みもいささかなりと


black locust flowers…

will this scent ever

reach you?

and if it could

what too of our pains?

(C)2021Rika Inami 稲美 里佳 

white acacia
in the soft breeze
petals twirling
in the cool stream
my feet resting
bright white
acacia blooms
in the summer heat
my dress sways
with you
in your shade
me and ants
sharing a blanket
with a stranger
heat wave
acacia's blooms
so crisp and cool
up in the treetops
zephyr clouds

(C) Laughing waters 2021

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To my Interview on Poetry Matters

 Rika Inami Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rika.inami.35

My Tanka and me on 2526-27,47,67747880-81

TANKA HARAKO: 短歌 原狐 Kindle Edition

TANKA HARAKO Ⅱ: 短歌 原狐 Ⅱ Kindle Edition

TANKA HARAKO Ⅲ: 短歌 原狐 Ⅲ Kindle Edition


<現在他のブログで連載中の小説/ Rika Inami's Novel writing on the other blog>

〇短歌小説 五次元歌人: 



沼辺/ Pondside from AIH 20210626



what does move

in the dense glass fluttering

in the wind?

I’m frightened at it

by the pondside

(C)2021Rika Inami  稲美 里佳

rusty garden gate ...
on the maple tree
bird feeder swaying
in the wind gasps
I wonder --- emptiness

(C)Laughing waters


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君子蘭 / Clivia Nobilis from AIH 20210620


一隅に咲く君子蘭 緋の装束に我が裡映し二十年


clivia nobilis

flowering in a corner

I’ve reflected

my passion in its scarlet

for twenty years

(C)2021Rika Inami  稲美 里佳

That Clivia Nobilis/ Kaffir lily was my late mother's, who passed away two years ago.
I have grown it, and it has gone through the severe cold winter for  about twenty years.

From Tanka by Rika Inami 46

her red
so flattering
in this empty room
I feel your warmth
family gathering
so many races
I don't recognize
in the corner ---
clivia nobilis blooms

(C)Olena Viengsombat

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五月雨/ Early Summer Rain from AHI 20210620


sleepless dawn
and I hear summer rain
today may become
another gloomy day

(C)2021Rika Inami稲美 里佳

From Tanka by Rika Inami46

from the bygone night
drowsy mourn

🄫Ashoka Weerakkody



melancholy of May…

I leave it on the wine-red

young leaves

of water lilies floating

on a dark pond

(C)2021Rika Inami稲美 里佳

From Tanka by Rika Inami46

dewed rose
in the soft breeze
trembling and bowing
to the tree stump
I pay my respect
(C)Laughing waters

Thank you for translating my tanka into Indonesian.

senja terjaga
dan kudengar rintik hujan
di musim panas--
hari ini mungkin menjadi
hari sendu lainnya

Indonesian translation by Lisbeth Ho 