what does move
in the dense
glass fluttering
in the wind?
I’m frightened at
by the pondside
(C)2021Rika Inami 稲美 里佳
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Poet of the Fifth Dimension, Rika Inami's Blog. Her inner space is expressed in tanka , photographs and daily life. She loves her home land, Akita, the Land of Poetry and mainly she compose tanka on nature. 五次元歌人 稲美里佳の内面世界が短歌や写真、そして日常生活を通して描かれています。詩の国 秋田に在住し主として自然詠を詠っています。
what does move
in the dense
glass fluttering
in the wind?
I’m frightened at
by the pondside
(C)2021Rika Inami 稲美 里佳
一隅に咲く君子蘭 緋の装束に我が裡映し二十年
flowering in a corner
I’ve reflected
my passion in its scarlet
for twenty years
(C)2021Rika Inami稲美 里佳
melancholy of May…
I leave it on the wine-red
young leaves
of water lilies floating
on a dark pond
(C)2021Rika Inami稲美 里佳
in a region with harsh winter
their crimson blooms toward
the early summer sky in May
(C)2021Rika Inami 稲美 里佳
🄫Ryuuji Suwa
the rich soil
warming up:
wild camellias
know their season
finally comes
and are in full
(C)2021Rika Inami 稲美 里佳
a pitch-dark
unknown evil wind must have
entered me
my body creaks
as I gasp at the friction
(C)2021Rika Inami稲美 里佳
To my Interview on Poetry Matters
Rika Inami Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rika.inami.35
The mountains in the vicinity have become
lush and beautiful. The pink weigela hortensis, a kind of deutzias, can be seen
everywhere in the mountains. It is called "Iwashi Bana/ Sardin
Flower" here in these areas. It is so named because it blooms when sardines
are caught in abundance. It is a lovely and beautiful flower, but we cannot
offer it to the Buddhist altar because of its fishy smell. It is also said to
be a flower of bad luck, bringing bad luck into the family, and it is forbidden
to plant it in the garden. When I was a girl and had not yet heard of such a
thing, I saw the weigela hortensis in the mountains, which was so lovely that I
took it home and gave it to my neighbours, who returned it to me. It was a sad
moment in my childhood, but I have learned what the sardine flower is since
that day.
It is the flower that I can only see in the
To my Interview on Poetry Matters
Rika Inami Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rika.inami.35